Today was a spectacular early fall day. A great day for some flight training, so I met Mark at Atlantic Airways at 10 a.m. We reviewed flight maneuvers for about 45 minutes, and then headed out to the hanger. Our departure into gusty north winds was a soft field takeoff on RWY 35. I need to practice that more: got to hold the nose off the ground, without touching the tail to the runway, while increasing airspeed down the runway to rotation speed.
Once up in the air over the Shenandoah Valley near Winchester I did a near perfect steep turn, some steep spirals, a steep spiral to landing, a balked landing, two power off simulated emergency landings, and several chandelles. The flight ended with a direct return to Leesburg for a short field landing. Proud to say that I nailed it, right on the big white touchdown marks, and while we didn't want to burn out the brakes, we clearly could have stopped in under a 1000 feet.
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