For the longest time I've admired and wanted to make my own map of where I've piloted an airplane. My hope would be that, as time goes on, I can fill in more and more states with color to indicate I've piloted an airplane within the State borders there.
Finally I asked a guy on the Uncontrolled Airspace forum how he did his, and he gave me the secret formula:
You can create your map here: http://www.epgsoft.com/VisitedStatesMap/
Then, you just save as a .jpg file and upload to a photo-sharing site, then you link to it in your signature using the [ img ] [ /img ] tags (no spaces) around the picture URL.
And, of course, it works nicely. Think I'll put the image on Flickr. My deepest thanks to PJ who also goes by Toronado on the UCAP forums.
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